冰川系列 Arctic Series

2017年我們的 Vivid Gold 戒指,以把握每個瞬間美好為概念,這次我們延續這個動態停格的表現方式,將水波跳躍的主動樣貌轉化成被動的融化過程。



Inspired by the ‘Vivid Gold’ ring from our 2017 collection, The Arctic Series continues to explore ‘stop motion’ themes by transforming solid materials into liquid shapes.

The design uses the original bone chilling colour of sterling silver to portray the image of melting ice, a reflection of Global Warming’s impact on the Arctic.

Through art, we hope we can bring real issues from thousands of miles away closer to our daily lives, and help to remind us that we all have a part to play in protecting our planet.

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