畢業於國立台北藝術大學,主修繪畫;英國倫敦藝術大學進修美術設計。畢業後進入藝術品公司,往來歐洲與亞洲參與拍賣會和藝博會,因此與珠寶產業有了更多接觸。在完成 GIA 鑽石文憑後,全心投入珠寶設計的學習與製作。於 2016 年成立 Chiao Artisanal Jewellery。



Chiao is a designer and artist who introduced her own line of handmade jewellery and accessories in 2016.

From an early age, Chiao has had a strong passion for the creative arts.  Her depth of experience in the arts world includes not only an education from the leading arts school in Taiwan – Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) but she also completed a short Art and Design course at the prestigious Central Saint Martins at the University of the Arts London.  More recently Chiao has also obtained a Graduate in Diamonds with the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Chiao’s wide ranging exposure to the arts inspired her to launch her self-titled brand with a focus on creating unique, elegant designs employing simple geometrical forms.  Chiao’s pieces are striking whether worn on their own or as a small part of a stylish jewellery ensemble. 

Chiao Artisanal Jewellery makes jewellery that will seamlessly interweave into your everyday style and remain with you through time.